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来源:郑州天顺食品添加剂有限公司 发布时间:2022-10-22 22:35:34 关注: 0 次
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Potassium hydroxide is an alkaline substance that we learned about in junior high school, and it has very good use effect in many fields. When it is used, some people will doubt whether it is related to micro arc oxidation of magnesium alloy. So let's talk about the relationship between the two from this aspect.
When the oxidation degree of micro arc is reduced, micro arc light will be produced on the metal surface, which is directly related to the conductivity of the applied voltage. When the conductivity of electrolyte is higher, the effect is better when transferring or transferring plasma. In this process, some arc light will appear on the surface of the film more easily. Therefore, reduce the external voltage to reduce the micro arc light.

Potassium hydroxide
In the silicate solution to add the appropriate concentration of potassium hydroxide, you will find that the thickness of the oxide film is changed again. The thickness of oxidation film increases with the increase of concentration, but when the concentration increases to a certain extent, the frequency of thickness increase will gradually decrease, and when the concentration gradually increases to a certain extent, the thickness has not changed. So we can see that when the concentration is increased, the film is also gradually increasing.
For the first time, we will also find that when the concentration of basic substances in silicate solution is low, it can still be oxidized to film normally. Therefore, in fact, alkaline substances can affect the efficiency of membrane formation.
The above is the relationship between potassium hydroxide and magnesium alloy oxidation. In fact, we can better apply alkaline materials after a more in-depth understanding of this content, and we also need to choose a more appropriate way when using various materials.


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