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来源:郑州天顺食品添加剂有限公司 发布时间:2022-10-20 10:10:34 关注: 0 次
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Potassium hydroxide is frequently used, especially in the chemical industry. I think you are not very familiar with the characteristics of this material. The following is a brief introduction to the relationship between this material and micro arc oxidation of magnesium alloy. Let's look at it together:
When the micro arc oxidation is reduced, the voltage required for the micro arc on the metal surface is directly related to the conductivity of the electrolyte. The greater the conductivity of electrolyte is, the faster the transfer and migration of charged particles in the four phase system of "metal dielectric gas electrolyte" formed by microarc oxidation is, the more effective it is. The film on the surface is easy to be broken down and the discharge arc appears, so the lower the applied voltage required to reach the breakdown voltage is.
Na2SiO3溶液中添加不同浓度氢氧化钾所获得的微弧氧化膜层厚度的变化曲线。膜层厚度随其浓度的增大而增加,但产品浓度增大到一定程度(≥1 .5g/L)时,膜层厚度增加趋势减缓,甚至不再增加。这可能是由于随产品浓度增大,膜层生长速率增加的同时,生成的膜层在其作用下的溶解速率也相应增加,从而导致膜层厚度不再增加。
The change curve of the thickness of micro arc oxidation film obtained by adding different concentration of potassium hydroxide in Na2SiO3 solution. The film thickness increases with the increase of its concentration, but when the product concentration increases to a certain extent (≥ 1.5g / L), the increasing trend of film thickness slows down, or even no longer increases. This may be due to the increase of the film growth rate with the increase of the product concentration, and the corresponding increase of the dissolution rate of the generated film under the action of the product concentration, so that the film thickness is no longer increased.

In addition, it can be found that Na2SiO3 solution without KOH (i.e. KOH concentration is zero) can also be subject to the normal micro arc oxidation reaction and film formation, which shows that KOH has no contribution to the specific micro arc oxidation reaction of az91c magnesium alloy. The addition of KOH only changes the composition and properties of the solution, affects the process of micro arc oxidation reaction, and thus affects the film formation rate.
Through the above content, you can understand the relationship between potassium hydroxide and micro arc oxidation of magnesium alloy. I hope that the knowledge points explained in this paper will be helpful to you. In the future operation and use of this material, pay more attention to this problem.


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