近日,华中农业大学经济管理学院副教授职称李剑在American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE ,《美国农业经济学杂志期刊》)发布了题为“A dynamic analysis of the distribution of commodity futures and spot prices”的科学研究毕业论文,以谷类销售市场为例子剖析了商品期货对调控农产品市场价格调整层面的信息危害体制。
毕业论文立足于“搭建以市场经济为核心的农牧业激励约束机制”关键出题,从概念方面讨论了发展趋势商品期货专用工具、提升农牧业风险管控社会化体制的规章制度市场前景和现行政策使用价值。毕业论文的关键奉献取决于提升了传统式的“平均值-标准差”剖析架构(mean-variance analysis),搭建了更理论的价钱分布函数可能方式(QVAR-Copula)。
实证分析一部分梳理了1980-2019年CBOT黄豆和苞米的期现货交易市场数据信息,剖析得到了一系列有價值的探索与发现。第一,研究发现,与概念剖析相切合,期现价钱关系具备繁杂动态,并且这类价钱关系随期权合约限期转变而存有“限期效用”(time-to-maturity effect),商品期货对期货价格的调控功效具体反映在邻近期满合同。第二,研究发现了谷类期现价钱存有明显的最优控制协整关系,销售市场相守性抗压强度随合同期满時间而转变。第三,在描绘价钱联合分布函数基本上,进一步获得了期现货交易反向市场遍布时变规律性,其对评定期现货交易市场收敛和期现套利实际效果具备主导作用。该科学研究搭建新的理论研究方式,剖析了商品期货对农业产品价格调整的作用机理和动态性危害,为提升风险管控专用工具自主创新和促进在我国农牧业激励约束机制社会化变革给予了有利启发。
近些年,李剑以及所属研究组紧紧围绕农牧业风险管控与价格调整问题,对焦破译“怎样搭建以市场经济为核心的农牧业激励约束机制”这一关键理论和实际问题。精英团队立足于前端,对社会化管理模式的行得通专用工具(期货期权和农业保险)以及与现行标准农业政策的兼容性的问题进行了系统化科学研究。2017年起,李剑所属研究组与农牧业风险管控基础理论杰出专家学者——美国威斯康星大学Jean-Paul Chavas专家教授精英团队进行长期性战略合作科学研究,在国际性农经学好会刊Agricultural Economics发布3篇系列产品毕业论文,在中国《管理世界》《中国农村经济》等期刊论文发表数篇有关科学研究毕业论文,多次在美国农经学好企业年会和国际性农经学家交流会汇报沟通交流。
This paper investigates the role of futures markets and their dynamic effects on the stability of commodity prices. The analysis is based on combining two econometric approaches: a quantile vector autoregression (QVAR) model of the marginal distributions of futures and spot prices, and a copula of their joint distribution. Applied to the US soybean and corn markets over the period of 1980–2019, the econometric investigation finds evidence of nonlinear price dynamics that depend on the maturity of the futures contract and documents how marginal price distributions and associated moments evolve over time. based on the estimates of the QVAR model, we provide evidence of local instability in the upper tail of the price distributions. We find that the futures market helps stabilize the market under nearby futures contract maturity. We document the presence of nonlinear cointegration relationships between futures and spot price. Relying on a copula, we find a positive contemporaneous codependence between futures price and spot price across all quantiles, codependence that varies with the futures contract maturity. We also present evidence of a time-varying basis that affects the convergence properties of the futures and spot price. Our findings shed new light on the joint determination of futures and spot price in commodity markets.