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来源:郑州天顺食品添加剂有限公司 发布时间:2022-01-10 15:07:08 关注: 0 次
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  执笔人:Manuja Peiris  国际性茶联合会执行主席

  2020年,在与新冠肺炎肺炎疫情作斗争的与此同时,一些茶主产区国也迫不得已遭遇其他考验,如我国的航运业货运物流和成本管理问题,澳大利亚的茶叶管控问题,印度的强降雨气温和毛里求斯茶树职工的薪水问题。 殊不知,非常值得高兴的是,全部产茶地国的茶叶种植做为基本服务行业仍在不断充分发挥,这便保证了全世界茶叶遭到的亏损比大部分其它行业要小。
  Whilst battling with the challenges brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic, several major tea producing countries also had to encounter battles with various non-COVID- 19 related issues through 2020, such as shipping logistics and costs related challenges in China, regulatory matters in Kenya, heavier rainfall experienced in India and plantation worker wage issues in Sri Lanka. However, all tea producing countries commendably continued to function as essential services, which in turn made sure that the global tea industry suffered less than most other industries.
  Boosted by increased production in China and Kenya that resulted in historical highs in these two producing countries, global production in 2020 grew by 1.8%. Annual production of tea in China and Kenya grew by 6.7% and 25%, respectively. Generally, most producers benefitted from a much-needed price correction that was long overdue to keep  their  respective industries viable in the face of
  increased input costs.
  However, it is believed that this increased production has resulted in a significant quantity of tea remaining in stock with producers in China at end of the year. In India too,  a large quantity of tea is known to be held asstock in the pipeline by wholesalers as well as blenders. Exporters in Kenya who had purchased more teas at the auctions to benefit from lower prices that prevailed during the year are also known to have carried over stocks at end of the year.
  务必强调的是,在2019年早已变成全球第三大红茶产地的我国,2020年绿茶生产量提高令人震惊,增加到404,265 公吨,年平均增长率32%。虽然中国和澳大利亚生产量提升,全世界年产销量降低4%(8000万公斤)。我国、印度的、毛里求斯、阿根廷年产销量均有降低。
  It must be noted that having become world\’s third largest Black Tea producing country in 2019, Black Tea production in 2020 in China grew to a staggering 404,265 mt., recording a staggering annual growth of 32%. Despite the large production increases in China and Kenya, global annual exports declined by 4% (80 million kgs.)。 Lower exports made during the year by China, India, Sri Lanka and Argentina, contributed to this decline.
  伴随着茶生产的国家产销量的降低,全世界茶出口量也降低了 4%(7700万公斤),详见下面的图。
  In accordance with this reduction in exports from producer countries, global imports
  (Graph below) also recorded a 4% (77 million kgs.) decline during the year.
  在这样的情况下,塔吉克斯坦全年度茶出口量大幅度提高 22%(4600万公斤)。 近些年,塔吉克斯坦大西北边境线地区的第三方貿易不太成功,造成根据全透明的官方网方式進口的茶量大量。塔吉克斯坦出口量做到2.52亿公斤。对比以往十年间提高100%。
  With this reality, the huge annual increase by 22% (46 m kgs.) of imports by Pakistan is significant. A less conducive trading environment experienced by unofficial traders in the North West Frontier province in recent years has led to the importation of more goods into the country through transparent, official channels. imports into Pakistan reached 252 million kgs. during the year, recording a stupendous growth of 100% within the last ten years.
  法国茶叶专卖店通过两年的下降以后,其茶出口量提高6%,净增长9%,这归功于2020年家居喝茶的交易增加。在近期 50 年的时间段里,法国的茶出口量一直在降低,伴随着袋泡茶、混和茶被更普遍地接纳,来源于茶原产地国的茶和其他多种多样饮品拥有大量的竞争者。原本大家对袋泡茶有90%的青睐度,但这好像稍有降低,由于大家对散茶再次造成了兴趣爱好,并且仍有小一部分群体喜爱有机化学、水果茶、香辛料、花草植物和绿色有机食品。近些年,法国除开从澳大利亚進口茶,从其他茶原产地国進口廉价茶的数目增加,包含印尼、越南地区和南印度。由于澳大利亚的茶一直供大于求,并且全世界到处都是价钱小于2美金/kg的茶,茶包装商和商场零售商不愁一手货源。
  After several years of decline or stagnancy of the market, United Kingdom imports grew by 6% with net-imports reflecting an increase of 9% as a direct result of higher in-home consumption during 2020. import volumes into UK have kept declining over a 50-year period, following the wider acceptance of tea bags, multi-origin blends, dilution of country of origin and a wider choice of beverages competing for a share of the throat been some of the factors. Having touched a percentage share as high as above 90% of tea bag penetration, this seems to have declined marginally more recently with a revived interest in loose teas that still remains very much a niche segment along-with organic, fruit and flavours, herbal and Green. In recent times, UK imports from other origins have been increasing in a clear sign of some packers opting to source relatively cheaper tea from Indonesia, Vietnam and South India, adjusting their intake from Kenya. With the continuing over-supply situation in Kenya and with plenty of teas available around the globe at sub-US$2 prices, both packers and supermarkets are spoilt for choice.
  Tea imports into The Russian Federation remained steady where reports indicate that consumption of coffee overtook consumption of tea last year to represent a share of over 50% of hot drink beverages. Per capita consumption of Tea is 1.1 kgs whereas per capita consumption of coffee is approximately 1.4 kgs. Tea is mostly imported into the Federation in bulk form as import tariffs are in place to favour local packers. imports into USA and Egypt declined during the year but both countries were responsible for large intakes.
  与新冠肺炎肺炎疫情立即有关的是,西班牙这一世界最大的绿茶叶进口国,其出口量降低近25%。几乎全部進口到西班牙的茶都是以我国来的,难以在短期内寻找到其他一手货源,这也许会危害供应链管理。由于3千克下列包裝的茶进口税达到32.5%,两年前,一些中国公司在西班牙设立茶包装加工厂。现阶段,90%以上的進口茶是装散方式,选用20-30kg的纸箱包裝。最火爆的茶交易包裝规格是 200g,100g和500g也是有供货。
  Directly related to pandemic related challenges, imports into Morocco, the largest Green Tea importing country in the world declined by nearly 25%. With almost all tea imports into Morocco sourced from China, difficulties in seeking alternate sources at short notice is likely to have impacted the supply chain. Following the increase of import duty for tea up to 32.5% for tea in packages below 3 kg. a few years ago, a few Chinese companies have opened tea packing factories in Morocco. Currently, more than 90% of total imports are in bulk form and generally, imported tea is packed in cardboard boxes of 20-30 kgs. each. The most popular consumer pack size is 200 g. whilst 100 g and 500g. packs are also available.


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