根据《中国农业国际合作促进会协会标准管理办法》的相关要求,经核查,农业国际交流研究会准许《地理标志产品 杜尔伯特大米》(T/CAI 143—2021)、《海青茶种植技术规程》(T/CAI 144—2021)、《农产品地理标志 海青茶》(T/CAI 145—2021)三项规范公布,现予公示,并自2021年10月1日起执行。
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Standards Management Measures of China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation”, after review, the CAI standards for“Product of geographical indication-Duerbote Rice”(T/CAI 143—2021), “Technical specification for planting of Haiqing Tea”(T/CAI 144—2021),“Agricultural products geographical indications- Haiqing Tea”,(T/CAI 145—2021),were approved by the China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation. These 3 standards will be implemented on October 1st, 2021.
农业国际交流研究会《地理标志产品 杜尔伯特大米》等3项规范发布消息.pdf